A one-time pad is unbreakable, but can you manage to recover the flag? (Wrap with picoCTF{}).nc mercury.picoctf.net 36449
Click to see code otp.py :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
import os.path
KEY_FILE = "key"
KEY_LEN = 50000
FLAG_FILE = "flag"
def startup(key_location):
flag = open(FLAG_FILE).read()
kf = open(KEY_FILE, "rb").read()
start = key_location
stop = key_location + len(flag)
key = kf[start:stop]
key_location = stop
result = list(map(lambda p, k: "{:02x}".format(ord(p) ^ k), flag, key))
print("This is the encrypted flag!\n{}\n".format("".join(result)))
return key_location
def encrypt(key_location):
ui = input("What data would you like to encrypt? ").rstrip()
if len(ui) == 0 or len(ui) > KEY_LEN:
return -1
start = key_location
stop = key_location + len(ui)
kf = open(KEY_FILE, "rb").read()
if stop >= KEY_LEN:
stop = stop % KEY_LEN
key = kf[start:] + kf[:stop]
key = kf[start:stop]
key_location = stop
result = list(map(lambda p, k: "{:02x}".format(ord(p) ^ k), ui, key))
print("Here ya go!\n{}\n".format("".join(result)))
return key_location
print("******************Welcome to our OTP implementation!******************")
c = startup(0)
while c >= 0:
c = encrypt(c)
one-time pad is unbreakable only if you don't use the same key twice. this code is like sliding window next message is encrypted from the end of last messages length in key file and we can find the loop hole in this part of the code.
If length is greater than key it will start from zero so we can encrypt our message with same key used to encrypt flag and we are given the encrypted flag. To make stop = 0 length of message = length of key – length of flag
length of key = 50000
length of flag = (encrypted flag/2)
encrypted flag = flag xor key
encrypted message = (known message) xor key
so we can find key with,
key = (known message) xor (encrypted message)
and flag = (encrypted flag) xor key
here is python script to find flag:
Click to see code :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from pwn import *
conn = remote('mercury.picoctf.net', 36449)
conn.recvuntil("This is the encrypted flag!\n".encode())
encrypted_flag = str(conn.recvline(), "ascii").strip()
flag_len = int(len(encrypted_flag)/2)
padding = "a" * (50000 - flag_len)
conn.sendlineafter("What data would you like to encrypt?".encode(), padding.encode())
message = "a" * flag_len
conn.sendlineafter("What data would you like to encrypt?".encode(), message.encode())
conn.recvuntil("Here ya go!\n".encode())
encrypted_message = str(conn.recvline(), "ascii").strip()
key = xor(long_to_bytes(int("0x" + encrypted_message, 16)), message.encode())
flag = xor(long_to_bytes(int("0x" + encrypted_flag, 16)), key).decode()
print(f"Flag: picoCTF{{{flag}}}")