DESCRIPTION: Qubit Enterprises is a new company touting it's propriety method of qubit stabilization.They expect to be able to build a quantum computer that can factor a RSA-1024 number in the next 10 years.As a promotion they are giving out "time capsules" which contain a message for the future encrypted by 1024 bit RSA.They might be great engineers, but they certainly aren't cryptographers, can you find a way to read themessage without having to wait for their futuristic machine?
Baby Time Capsule is cryptography challenge. we are given with python source code file.
Click to see source code :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrimeimport socketserverimport jsonFLAG =b'HTB{--REDACTED--}'classTimeCapsule():def__init__(self,msg): self.msg = msg self.bit_size =1024 self.e =5def_get_new_pubkey(self):whileTrue: p =getPrime(self.bit_size //2) q =getPrime(self.bit_size //2) n = p * q phi = (p -1) * (q -1)try:pow(self.e, -1, phi)breakexceptValueError:passreturn n, self.edefget_new_time_capsule(self): n, e = self._get_new_pubkey() m =bytes_to_long(self.msg) m =pow(m, e, n)return{"time_capsule":f"{m:X}","pubkey": [f"{n:X}",f"{e:X}"]}defchallenge(req): time_capsule =TimeCapsule(FLAG)whileTrue:try: req.sendall(b'Welcome to Qubit Enterprises. Would you like your own time capsule? (Y/n) ' ) msg = req.recv(4096).decode().strip().upper()if msg =='Y'or msg =='YES': capsule = time_capsule.get_new_time_capsule() req.sendall(json.dumps(capsule).encode() +b'\n')elif msg =='N'or msg =="NO": req.sendall(b'Thank you, take care\n')breakelse: req.sendall(b'I\'m sorry I don\'t understand\n')except:# Socket closed, bailreturnclassMyTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):defhandle(self): req = self.requestchallenge(req)classThreadingTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn,socketserver.TCPServer):passdefmain(): socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address =True server =ThreadingTCPServer(("", 1337), MyTCPRequestHandler) server.serve_forever()if__name__=='__main__':main()
To solve this we need knowledge of the Chinese remainder theorem.
m=message, e=5, n=public key, c=cipher text
me mod n = c
let's take x = me
x mod n = c
here x module n is remainder c, so we can say that x anc c are congruent modulo.
x ≡ c (mod n)
Here server encrypt same message with different public keys.
x ≡ c1 (mod n1)
x ≡ c2 (mod n2)
x ≡ c3 (mod n3)
The Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) is used to solve a set of different congruent equations with one variable but different moduli which are relatively prime.
To find x:
x = (c1 × N1 × N1-1 + c2 × N2 × N2-1 + c3 × N3 × N3-1) mod N
here, N = n1 × n2 × n3
N1 = N / n1
N2 = N / n2
N3 = N / n3
N1 × N1-1 = 1 mod n1
N2 × N2-1 = 1 mod n2
N3 × N3-1 = 1 mod n3
we can use extended euclidean algorithm to find N1-1.
I used python library to perform CRT.
Python code:
Click to see python code :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
import jsonfrom Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytesfrom pwn import*from sympy.ntheory.modular import crtfrom sympy.simplify.simplify import nthrootconn =remote('', 32141)rem =list()num =list()for i inrange(3): conn.sendline(b'Y') a = conn.recvline() r = json.loads(a[74:-1].decode()) m = r['time_capsule'] n = r['pubkey'][0] e =5 m =int(m, 16) n =int(n, 16) rem.append(m) num.append(n)x =crt(num, rem, check=True)# print(f'x = {x[0]}')flag =nthroot(x[0], 5)print(flag)print(long_to_bytes(flag))conn.sendline(b'N')conn.recvline()conn.close()
Click to see output :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
[x] Opening connection to on port 32141[x] Opening connection to on port 32141: Trying[+] Opening connection to on port 32141: Done3133512701921564926666059129802238375015291423590355094862405004229914481893581069974415008616334994674940586670768933862016098685b'HTB{t3h_FuTUr3_15_bR1ghT_1_H0p3_y0uR3_W34r1nG_5h4d35!}'[*] Closed connection to port 32141Processfinishedwithexitcode0